How to Boost Instagram Engagement


Instagram is the most frustrating platform to maintain a high engagement rate on. As soon as you get in a groove, Instagram changes.

First it was essential to post high quality images, then Stories hit the scene, IGTV was released, then Reels took the platform by storm, and now Instagram is promoting video posts more than any other type.

There are so many features on Instagram, and it’s overwhelming to stay on top of them all!

But you don’t have to.

Really, you don’t have to hop on every new feature or scramble to record a ton of videos. Of course, this is the best way to maintain the highest engagement rate possible and beat the Instagram algorithm, but it’s not sustainable.

Here’s what to do instead…

The best way to boost engagement on your Instagram posts is simple: engage!

Yep! That’s it.

The more you engage with other accounts on Instagram, the more the Instagram algorithm will play in your favor.

To step it up a notch, be sure you’re posting consistently (even if you just post 2-3 times a week and share to Stories a few times daily). Looking to skyrocket your engagement? Reels is, of course, where it’s at.

But don’t overwhelm yourself! Following my 5 x 5 strategy daily will make a difference.

My 5x5 Daily Strategy to Boost Instagram Engagement

1. Comment on 5 posts in your news feed.

2. Search industry hashtags and comment on 5 posts.

3. Comment on 5 posts from larger accounts.

4. Respond to 5 Stories.

5. Share 5 posts with friends in DMs or to your Stories.

Also, share posts to your Stories

I find that more people see my Instagram Stories than they see my timeline posts. So whenever you make a timeline post, share it to your Instagram Stories.


You don’t have to spend hours on Instagram, 15 minutes spread throughout the day is plenty. (Whenever you make any kind of post, be sure to check back within 10 minutes to respond to comments.)

Take the stress out of keeping up with Instagram appearances by posting and engaging consistently to boost your engagement.

Want to learn even more about Instagram and develop a strategy that works? Check out my Instagram Insight online mini course!


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