Why Entrepreneurs Need to Take More Vacations


Today is my first day back to work after a two-week vacation! I can’t remember the last time I was off two weeks straight, but I do remember that my last vacation was a year ago.

Really, I worked straight through Thanksgiving AND Christmas and have been feeling quite haggard and overwhelmed all year as a result.

It’s so easy as an entrepreneur to succumb to workoholism. There’s always SO much to do, we don’t want to let clients down, and our income is completely in our hands, which adds its own level of stress.

But taking vacations can actually help us work better, not just feel better.

According to Inc., business owners should take a minimum of four weeks of vacation a year. Here’s why:

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Alright, so rest is obvious, but it’s absolutely essential for overworked entrepreneurs. Adequate sleep not only keeps our brains sharp, entrepreneurs who get adequate sleep are less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Not to mention a reduction in everything that stress causes.

If you’ve been sleep deprived, a vacation is the best time to catch up and get into a rhythm for when you return.


Entrepreneurs have a tendency to be in a constant state of mental overdrive, and at a certain point that leads to foggy thinking. Catching up on sleep and having space from work will help you jump back in with clarity and focus.


That constant high-level thinking can also wear inspiration thin. If you’re known to get your best ideas in the shower or while sleeping, it’s easy to understand why separation from work allows space for inspiration to come through.

You may experience a few epiphanies while enjoying a vacation, and your refreshed mind is sure to feel more inspired when you return to work.

Increased productivity

Studies have shown that breaks increase productivity, and disengaging from work while on vacation makes us more resilient when dealing with stress and boosts our productivity when we’re back at it.

Lets employees shine

If you have employees, taking a vacation leaves them with more responsibility and the need to be resourceful and find answers on their own. This allows them to grow and demonstrate what they’re capable of.

When you return, you’ll have a sense of what areas need improvement as well as where employees thrive.

After experiencing the benefits of my recent two weeks off, I am scheduling more vacations to reap even more benefits- and to enjoy life.

Since returning, I find myself excited about my business again, more inspired, and infinitely more productive. In fact, I wrote this blog post in less than 10 minutes!

How often do you take a vacation? Do you feel it makes an impact on your business? Let me know in the comments below!

Just getting started in business and looking for a roadmap? Check out my free Begin Your Business online course. We’ll cover everything from pricing to forming an LLC, assembling your team to getting your first clients, and everything in between.

Been around the business block and looking to grow? My Self-Employed School online course provides a deep dive on topics including website SEO and design, e-newsletters, social media, public relations, and more. It all culminates in creating an easy and effective marketing strategy for your business.


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