How to Create a Facebook Event


There are many steps and settings when creating a Facebook event that it can feel overwhelming!

But did you know that events perform better than any type of post on Facebook? It’s true! A few years ago, Facebook surveyed users on why they used the platform and how they wished it could improve. The majority of respondents noted that they went on Facebook for community and connection (and that they were sick of ads).

Therefore, Facebook pushes events more than any other post type, because events foster both community and connection!

If creating a Facebook event has been a challenge for you, the below tutorials will walk you through the steps. While they’re geared towards Facebook pages, the settings are mostly the same whether you are creating your event on a page or your personal profile.


Mobile (Business Suite app)


As noted in the tutorials above, Facebook event cover photos are sized differently than standard cover photos. The tutorial below will demonstrate how to create a custom Facebook event cover photo using Canva, a free, cloud-based design software.


Looking for more Facebook help? Give your Facebook page a facelift with Facebook Facelift. In this online mini course, you’ll learn how to optimize your Facebook page to attract visitors as well as what to post and how to get people on your website. Psst! The course takes less than an hour.


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