Miss MegaBug | Your Zillennial Business and Marketing Mentor

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Comforts of Home: First Snow at Mellow Meadows

It's here! The first snow of the season is here!

As I posted on the MegaBug Photography blog, there's something magical about the first snow. Winters are long here in northern New Hampshire, but the first sight of the yard blanketed in sparkling white is always delightful. (Even for Shelby, who has not been looking forward to driveway maintenance.)

What I love about the beginning of winter is how life seems to relax with a sigh. Thanksgiving and the holiday rush are still a few weeks away, and the coziness of colder temperatures is fully embraced.

With the cold and the shorter days, I'm definitely inclined to spend more time at home. I typically institute "Work From Home Fridays" where I tackle my business to do lists interchangeably with a load of laundry or cooking a comforting bowl of soup.

I'm an introvert by nature, and winter enhances that trait tenfold. My life has been full of rushing and productivity that it is calming to embrace the slowness winter brings and to enjoy more time at home with Shelby and our cats.

Shelby and I have joked that I'm a wannabe housewife without the desire for kids. (Mom prefers the term "homesteader.") Although much of my personal fulfillment derives from what I accomplish in Serendipity Studios, what brings me absolute joy and complete bliss is what I do at home.

I love cooking and cleaning, decorating our home, reading a book, crocheting, and updating my blogs- activities that are challenging to fit in during busier seasons.

Winter is my excuse to take a break and get myself back into balance. It's a time when I re-evaluate my life goals and catch up on housework and business tasks that I haven't had time for.

Even though I'm in the middle of holiday family photos and a few big marketing projects, I'm breathing easy this morning looking out the window at our beautiful Mellow Meadows covered in first snow.

See more First Snow photos.