Heightened Gratitude

It has been three months since I deposited a paycheck. Since entering the land of owner's draws, self employment has been a beautiful adventure of success, late nights, hard work, and victorious fist pumps. Since writing about my first day, Angie and I moved into my dream studio at the Tannery Marketplace with our friend, Patti, and experienced tremendous growth through MegAGLOW Marketing as a result.

Through MegaBug, I have booked more shoots and spent hours learning new skills- time I had difficulty finding before.

I also re-designed this blog through Squarespace, launching it on my half birthday. I'm excited to add homesteading to the purpose of this blog, and look forward to posting more when

Shelby and I move into our house!

Balance has always been a struggle for me, but despite being in the midst of my busiest season, I've been closer to achieving it. Last week, Mom and I used my pass to the Loon Mountain Aerial Adventure Park, and planned to hit up Whale's Tale a few days ago. (It was unfortunately too cold!) I love being able to make my own schedule, and if I need to get something done, 10-14 hour days don't phase me a bit.

On one busy day a few weeks ago, I was walking along Main Street, heading back to the studio after a meeting. I smiled thinking how lucky I am to live in a walkable community. Being self employed has led to more moments of gratitude and appreciation of little things I used to overlook. Now I fully hear the purrs of Guinevere & Lancelot as we enjoy our remaining morning moments in bed, my dance moves have improved while jamming to the radio on my commute to work and my afternoon London Fog latte is more relaxing.

I am so lucky to be where I'm at in my early twenties. So many of my lofty dreams have come true at this young age, proving that my end goals are absolutely achievable. But I'm more than content with where I am now. Deadlines still need to be met, but my schedule is mine, I am the boss. And I love being the boss of my own life

Hey there! I'm Meg:


I also love business and share all kinds of tips and resources to help you grow yours.

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Late Summer & Lobster Shorts


Cats of the Round Table