Miss MegaBug | Your Zillennial Business and Marketing Mentor

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MegaBug & Me Through The Years

2011 by Rodeo & Co Photography

2016 by Angie Low AGLOW Photography

Today marks SIX YEARS since the MegaBug entered my life. My parents had low expectations for how long a 1999 model with 116k miles would last- and they weren't afraid to tell me that either. They're rather astounded!

MegaBug was with me during my senior photos, and more recently, my wedding photos. I can't imagine driving anything but the MegaBug. To me she's a living thing. We have real conversations. She's part of my identity, my first business. I'm even surprised she made it six years, but I like to think she pulls through for me.

About two years ago, I we got into an accident. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life, and I'm writing about it now because I've never believed in the MegaBug as much as I did then.

 It was slushy, miserable January day and I hit black ice on I93 while trying to pass a car. I instantly lost control, and made the decision to steer right into the guardrail to avoid hitting the car next to me.

Upon making impact, we made a 180-degree turn until MegaBug and I were facing on coming traffic in the middle of the highway. Thankfully there were no other cars involved, and my airbag didn't have to deploy. I steered to the break-down lane and thought I totaled the MegaBug. This absolutely devastated me.

I know you're not supposed to care about the condition your car is in and focus on the condition you're in, but I knew I was alright. A little PTSD for a few moments, but after I composed myself, I patiently waited for help.

A few kind drivers stopped and asked if I was okay. One even said my car looked alright and was okay to drive home. I was too nervous to check it out; I didn't want to see her banged up.

Well, 911 sent me a Littleton Highway Department and he confirmed that I could drive home. Like I wanted to after that, but at least I could.

While driving home I panicked MegaBug would break down (she has before) and almost went through the roof when I heard something fall off. I pulled over and checked it out, thinking my car was about to explode. Fog light.

Basically, other than the fog light, a gash in the front, and my temperature gauge no longer working, the MegaBug and I made it out unscathed.

Going as fast as we were, we shouldn't have been able to drive home. I feel that after making it through that, I have an obligation to get her through anything. That obligation may have included a timing belt, water pump, serpentine belt, serpentine belt (again...the pulley broke and too the belt with it), catalytic converter, strut mounts, and soon a strut and rocker ("rocket") panels, I want to do it. We have history, that bug and I. We go back.

MegaBug is about to hit her 200,000th mile. I know there will be some point she has to retire, but I'm never going to sell or get rid of her. Even if she has to sit for a few years, I am determined to pull her out of retirement in the future and get her back on the road. What's Meg without the MegaBug, after all?

To look back on the wonderful six years we've had, below are links to a few of my previous posts about the MegaBug:

Five Years
Three Years
The Colors of My Education
One Year

Here's to many, many more times hearing, "Punch buggy green."