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Tim's Lilacs

Lilacs are a staple in my parents' yard. Along with being the New Hampshire state flower, lilacs are my step-dad, Tim's favorite.

We've always had lilac bushes to the point where Tim dug up his favorites and replanted them when we moved to Sugar Hill.


My parents live on the Main Street section of town, and their lilacs attract many visitors.

This variety is the most popular draw, with many citing its pink flowers as pineapple or Miss Canada lilacs.

The jury is still out on what they are exactly, but either way, I've never seen pink lilacs until Tim's popped up.

He has bushes everywhere, even next to his barn.

In 2009, I placed 4th out of 800 in the NH Governor's Lilac & Wildflower Commission Photography Contest with these French lilacs in the backyard. I was just 14 and still an amateur photographer!

Sugar Hill may be known for its lupine, but (don't tell anyone!) I think I like lilacs better. They're fragrance is more captivating.

Honorable Mentions That Are Not Tim's But I Like Them Anyway

This lovely purple lilac is one of my all time favorite photos. I love how the close-up enhances the daintiness of each individual flower.

Photo taken at the Carolina Crapo Memorial Building in Sugar Hill.

This deep purple lilac was taken at my parent's neighbor, Lissa's house. Her gardens are immaculate!


I think lilacs are lovely even when they're not in full bloom. This lilac in Sugar Hill was sitting pretty in front of a home I was dog sitting at.