Miss MegaBug | Your Zillennial Business and Marketing Mentor

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2016: Growth

Last year was more hectic than I thought it would be, so I'm looking forward to the consistency that 2016 will bring. I'm so happy with my job which is a huge leg up, as last year I had three job changes and a bunch of not so fun days at work. Shelby and I are (finally) settling into our new apartment, finding a place for everything and making it pretty. With more consistency and time to breathe, I'll have more opportunities for fun. Yahoo! My goals and exciting plans for 2016:

*Visit Florida with Shelby! We are leaving a week from tomorrow and plan on visiting Florida's beautiful state parks, NASA, St. Augustine, and the Tampa area.
*Plan a stellar birthday party. I'm 21 this year!!!
*Continue learning by enrolling in fun classes and workshops, such as Fundamentals of Jewelry at the Littleton Studio School. Last year brought many life lessons, so I hope 2016 is full of fun ones!
*Crochet and other crafty things. I haven't picked up my hook in so long!
*Plan more day and weekend trips. I should probably renew that passport...
*Cook more! Now that I have my own kitchen, a Crock Pot, and a adorable mint green Kitchen Aide, I am ready to go to town. (Literally- I need groceries!)
*Find my style. I'm still figuring it out, but I know it will have a lot of vintagey pieces. As I'm officially in the working world and turning 21 soon, I'd like to learn how to piece together mature, stylish, sophisticated (and comfortable) outfits.
*Book larger clients through my business and expand deeper into commercial and landscape photography.
*Buy a house. We have the downpayment. We've taken a course. We're ready to go!
*Possibly visit Florida...again. Dad wants to have a huge family vacation with our and Charlotte's families towards the end of October. I'm in!

Already I feel a sense of ease entering this new year, and I can't wait to see what adventures it will bring.