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Lovely Lupines

It is Lupine Festival time in Sugar Hill. Last weekend my family came up, and we all walked to the lupine field on Sunset Hill Road. Mister Sam joined us, and we went off on our own to snap a few candidates for the photo contest! Although frustrating to share a camera with him, I am so proud of what he came up with, and thrilled at the fact that we can share a mutual appreciation for photography. Below are a select few of the ones I took. To view more, visit the album "Lovely Lupine" on MegaBug Photography's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.566300850059842.1073741828.113981128625152&type=1.

2013 marks the 20th anniversary of the Lupine Festival, which is sponsored by the Franconia Notch Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber asked me to create social media sites, so please like and follow "Fields of Lupine Festival" on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thank you!